Sorry it’s been so long everyone, I’ve been having some issues with internet. Aside from the fact that I didn’t bring my laptop to Minnesota or Chicago when I went, I’ve had some issues back in Iowa. After I returned from the Windy City, some tornado-force winds swept through the NCCC campus in Iowa. It wasn’t technically a tornado because it wasn’t a vortex stemming from a thunderstorm, but the winds slammed into buildings at more than 130 miles per hour. The winds struck about four hours after I went to sleep. I woke up to the sound of a storm, but didn’t think it was that serious until a fellow corps member walked in and said we had to run down to the tunnels. Of course we all went down there and waited out the storm.
When we were finally able to go back to our rooms, I found the window above my bed shattered and glass scattered across my pillow and sheets. If I had been in the bed when the window gave, I don’t know how injured I would have been but I definitely wouldn’t have been too happy. A water pipe burst upstairs and water flooded my room and a lot of my clothing, but luckily my laptop and camera (the only valuables I had really) were un-moistened and safe. Most of my clothing was soaked on the other hand, but I’m blessed to have treaded above the situation with minimal damage. Many fellow ameri-members weren’t as fortunate, and my prayers and condolences go out to them. There were claim forms that AmeriCorps provided, allowing people to try and receive some form of compensation for their lost articles. I thought of filling out a form for my clothing (especially my shoes because they were expensive), but I couldn’t ask for money without feeling as though I fabricated (get it? Think of what clothing is made of lol) the extent of the damage.
The campus survived but I had to move to a crappier room since my room was too damaged to dwell in. We got orders to help clean up some of the debris from the campus (look on facebook to see some of the pictures) and I felt hope for the future. The project they planned to send us on was amazing. They were going to send us to a YMCA camp and we would have loads to do. Three catered meals a day, cabins with two showers and enough beds, internet access, paintball, rock climbing, high ropes courses, horseback riding, and a gym. But of course, life throws tomatoes at me sometimes. The project was taken away.
I can’t complain too much though. Even though my first good project was taken away, I still have my health and most of my possessions. Furthermore, we were pulled from the good project to aid victims of severe flooding in Minot, North Dakota. Hopefully it’s not too horrible to help, but in the end I’ll know that someone’s life was improved. Knowing this is enough to let my discomfort and unhappiness slide for a couple of months.
So far the work isn’t too hard but my team is struggling. I guess everyone is stressed from how hot and repetitive the work can be. Or it could be the fact that they think the sponsor is disrespectful. Either way, people are on edge. Had a few interesting discussions on our last day before the weekend, but nothing too serious so far. Our TL is going home for a couple weeks so we’ll see how dynamics change.
After witnessing the damage of disaster down in Mississippi, North Dakota, and even Iowa, I can’t help but wonder what the future will deal out. Mother Nature isn’t happy with our misuse of her planet, and there’s only so much time before she blows us all up. Even if earth’s expiration date isn’t 2012, we still won’t last forever. So what are you guys waiting for? I’m talking to you NASA! Think of some elaborate plan to move earth’s inhabitants to another planet so we can work on destroying that too, one year at a time. Guess I can’t really be mad for the inevitable destruction of mankind. We seem to be the most negative force on the frowning face of the planet. Tragic. Guess we’re finally getting what we deserve.