Monday, April 16, 2012

Another Story Accepted for Publication!

Woot Woot! Just when I thought this day couldn't get any better. Received my rebate check from school, got my Amazon gift card in the mail, had some good food, and got another short story accepted for publication! My short story, "Fire Fighter" was accepted for publication in the Spring 2012 issue of the Collegiate Scholar. It's an online publication, and I should have a few links up in a little bit. If you want to read the story before then, just let me know and I'll shoot it over to you in an email! *Doing happy dance with a bowl of ice cream*

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Haven't gotten anything accepted for publication since this past December, and it was also my first paid acceptance. They finally cut the check and deposited 250 dollars into my bank account. It's not much money, but it's not bad for an eight page story. To God be all the glory! Spring break is over, but it gave me a taste of what's to come for May. I still hate these classes, but there's just a month left. In lieu of my impending return to classes, I decided to do some exploring. Went to the NRA National Firearms Museum. Saw some pretty cool guns but was sad they didn't have a penny machine. Oh well, definitely going to do a bunch more exploring starting in May. Woot for living life.