Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Who Gets My Vote?

So voting is in full swing, and swung right on past me. Tons of people think I'm a passionate voter because of how many political discussions I get into (talking to you Christina before I told you I don't vote lol), only to give the UUWWAAHH face when I tell them I don't vote. Call it lazy or disrespectful, but the truth is I'm just lazy. It's not that I don't love my country, because I do. And as many people that are going to talk about the civil rights movement, I do understand that the right to vote was fought for and many died to give me this right. But, no, I still won't vote.

The reason I won't vote is not because I'm a disrespectful person that does not care about the struggles of forefathers. I respect that, but the forefathers did not struggle to force me to vote. If that were the case, they would be dying to be free from enslavement, only to tell me to be a slave to the system (sounds weird but I think ya'll get my point). So one reason I don't vote, is because I don't have to, and having a choice is really what they fought for, making the choice is my option.

Reason numero dos for all my spanish speaking buds, is because I don't necessarily believe in the system. Literally, the electoral college decides who gets elected. Not you. With that in mind, did you actually vote for the president? Kind of, but in a sense no. According to the definition of the electoral college, they have the final say, not the people? UUWWAAHH (lol saw someone say that today and now it's stuck in my head...so just cause...UUWWAAHH). If you don't believe me, click here and check it out for yourself. Don't take this as an excuse for you to stop voting, because you should do the American thing and go vote. Though if you still haven't voted and are planning to, you may have to wait another four years.

Third and finally reason is.........you guessed it, I'm just lazy. Even if the other two weren't applicable, I wouldn't vote unless they made it online (why haven't they yet?). I'm not going to use my gas, time and brain power (not much of it left now a days) to theoretically put someone into office that is going to lie to me (you know how much I hate lies). Then my political discussions will get emotional, because I'll be so much more upset. Ever notice how carefree I am. Now you know why lol.

On a completely unrelated note, I tried out my running shoes yesterday (you better not even be thinking I should have ran to the poll and voted) and was not impressed. They felt like every other shoe to me. Oh well, maybe I just have to put a few more miles on them and see what happens. Though I'll be super blown if I get into Bike & Build because then I'll be riding bikes everywhere. SMH.

Welp, that wraps up this edition, and please don't hate me for not voting. I promise I'm not the worst person in the world. So, thanks for listening with your eyes.