Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Iowanna do that

So I'm finally here. Iowa. Cornfields and cows are my neighbors and I'm not happy yet. It's only the first day but it's not looking too bright so far. I'm hoping it's like wine and gets better with time, but so far they've royally screwed me. I feel like one of King Henry's wives (the ones unlucky enough to lose their heads). They put me in a room with no internet and ten guys. They all seem cool, but I feel like I'm taking steps backwards. I was in an apartment and now I'm back in a dorm. Either way, all I can do is keep pushing and hope it gets better. The only plus so far is that the people all seem cool enough.
I've also entered into a new relationship (2/11/11) and I'm hoping it doesn't get too strained. I've give it my all and hope for the best. Wish me luck.


  1. Oh babe, I feel bad that you haven't been there a full 24 hours and are already starting to have doubts about liking the whole ordeal. But didn't I tell you during your layover here in Chicago this morning that my biggest worry was that you weren't gonna enjoy yourself and it'd be a rough 10 months? I'm psychic, lol. But in seriousness, you're there to positively influence communities and people and at least you're gonna make a difference in people's lives. I know you already have in mine. =) Despite your sadness and blahness as you are 4 hours away from me in the middle of nowhere Iowa, I want you to know that our relationship won't be strained. If anything, I'm glad you're here in the Midwest 'cause you're closer to me! =P And I always believe that distance makes the heart grow fonder, so every time we get the chance to visit each other, it'll be fresh and exciting and simply wonderful. And yay for technology to keep us connected in between time. Plus, if you ever wanna vent about your time out there, you know I'm here for you. I know you're gonna give it all you got and make the best out of the experience. My love is with you all the way. <3

  2. Awww yay...and yea it's getting a bit better...just too many rules...I feel like once we actually start helping people it will all be worth it because thats what I signed up for. And yea I guess it is a plus either way since I'm closer to you and such =). I can't wait to see you again! Glad I have such a wonderful woman behind me =)

  3. I'm glad it'll all pick up for you...minus the fact they treat you like little kids, lol. I can't wait to see you again eitherrrr! You make me glad to have such a wonderful man behind me! <3
