Monday, July 1, 2013

Bike and Blog - Flat Means Fast

Hooray I get to blog two days in a row. Can't believe how fortunate I am. Today was a lot smoother than yesterday, even though we biked about 79 miles and yesterday was only 55 or so. We've finally made it into the flat portion of our trip. At least I think we're here, it sure would be dreadful (who says dreadful anymore) if we were teased with flat and then mountains mountains mountains popped back up again.

I was all over groups today, riding with at least three separate clusters, but overall I did most of my riding with Chris, Danielle and Mike. Also had some good chit chat time with Zoe! She's awesome btw. Almost the entire day was spent on bike paths, so we didn't really worry too much about traffic, though every once and a while we had to scoot around a pedestrian.

Yesterday two Bike and Build Alums donated two gallon (or more) tubs of ice cream from a local ice cream shop. We got to eat them at lunch today and it was soo good. I've been screaming shouts of happiness from all the ice cream, but if I don't scream first the song doesn't work as well. The two flavors were pistachio honey and rainbow frozen yogurt (pistachio honey is displayed).

We stayed at Sinclair community college for the night, and the showers were as communal as normal. On the bright side, they had a workout room where we're sleeping so I was able to workout! Got to do some pullups but my number went down sooo low. Maxed out at 30 and now I'm barely pushing past 15. Heart breaking. They also had a rope we could climb and at least I could do that.

We may or may not go out tonight, so I won't get to blog about all the hullabaloo we wreak across the town, but you can pretend I'm rolling around and creating random flash-karaoke mobs in Downtown Dayton (where we're staying btw).

Tomorrow is a build day so I may even get a chance to blog three days in a row! Cray cray. Welp that's all I got for now, so enjoy the random graffiti I came across under a bridge, and thanks for listening with your eyes!

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