Sunday, April 14, 2013

Crash Slam Kaboom Goes My Life

It's crazy how you mention something bad comes along and sends you down a muddy path, and then how the situation worsens, and how you keep thinking things will get better but instead they keep squeezing you down the drain of despair? I usually see stuff happen to people in movies, but I never really figured my life would end up being like this. It's crazy how different things turn out, no matter how you plan for them, life WILL HAPPEN!

So if you've read any of my previous posts, they've been pretty melancholy, but I've had high hopes for things to get better. So...they somehow got worse. A while back I mentioned losing my car, job, and/or body would be the only way my life could get worse. Well guess what? You don't have to be a guessing wizard to know something of that list got worse...drum roll please....if you couldn't figure out from the giant picture of a damaged car, I lost my car. So now, my financial situation has progressed from crappy crappy poo just shoot me in the eyeball and call it surgery.

I was on vacation when it happened, and it was 100 percent my fault. SMH. Now I have to purchase rentals until I can get it back. My previous credit card bills were around 2 grand a pop, and I only pull in cough cough I'm not saying how little I make cause it hurts my soul cough cough a month. Which is considerably less than 2 grand. So two months of being in the red was bad enough, now it's 3 months and this one will be worse. Right now I'm pretending life isn't so hard. The bill is only 1 grand at the moment, but of course I haven't had my week's worth of rentals added on yet, and I also haven't had to pay my 500 dollar deductible yet...not to mention how crazy expensive gas is when you drive across 4 states in one day. Sigh...who knows...maybe I'll hit a recent record high of 3 grand...only did that once before, and it was when I was making a bunch more money.

On a brighter note, the vacation was still fun. Minus the car troubles, it was fun to see my old friend from AmeriCorps, my old mentor, and my old friend down at Duke. Wish I could have seen my other friend, but meh, there's always next time. This little distraction cut back my training (again) and I"m preparing to be the most unprepared cyclist this summer. I will still do my best, and I'll still fulfill the commitments I made, but lets just say my life is completely horrible until August...then we'll see how much worse it gets when I usher in unemployment.

One thing I've learned from all of this is that planning is for lames. Leave it to God and let go. What will happen is going to happen regardless of what you do, and life will continue on. The only thing that can make matters worse will not be uttered, because so far I'm on a pretty good average of making the bad possibilities a reality. If you want to cheer me up, donate to bike and build and cheer up some family in need of affordable housing. At least I can say I have a house to live in, though it's not my house, it's still a house. Here's a link if you want to donate .

So on to the next thing. Hope it's better than where I am, but if it's not I'll make it the best worst place I'm in and that'll be that. Welp that's all I have time for today. As usual, thanks for listening with your eyes. Try to find some one today that you can treat kindly, and treat em as kind as you can bear. Then tell them to donate to Bike and Build too ;-)