Saturday, September 22, 2012

Plate Full of Words - Sushi With Me

Finally made sushi! I purchased a sushi roller back when I thought I was moving to Chicago, and though I still haven't used it, I did make sushi. Had a sushi night with Missy, and since we were at her place we couldn't use my roller (so yes that means I still purchased the darn thing for nothing). 

Everyone knows there's bad sushi and there's good sushi. Buffet and Trader Joe sushi is the worst, and fresh sushi is the best. I still remember my first time trying sushi (5th grade teacher had us make seaweed rolls with calamari for the meat). It was for an international day I believe. Why don't more teachers incorporate interesting foods into their lectures? Beats me. Mrs. Bryant, said teacher for my international day, was a bit eccentric (told us stories of how in Papua New Guinea they eat Guinea pigs, and then she gave us guinea pigs as school pets), her method worked. I don't remember anything about the international mumbo jumbo, but I have an awesome appreciation for food. That was the point of international day right?

Well here are pictures of the good sushi we made. Used cooked salmon, raw tuna, and cooked/raw shrimp. Obviously sushi rice and roe as well. Looks horrible but tasted great.

Here is a picture of the bad sushi (Spicy Cali roll, Cali roll, shrimp nigri, sunshine roll, classic with Avocado) I had the next day from Trader Joe's. Looks good tastes the worst (horrible quality of meat and rice smh).

Either way, the sushi night was a rolling success. Though my manly, macho arms refused to roll the food gently, it tasted great. Used a good ol George Foreman for the cooking portion, and the refrigerator for the raw. Missy wanted roe so the orange dust was added and worked better than I thought. Created hand rolls and whatever the non-hand rolls are called. Definitely want to try it again. Overall good job us.

Just for your enjoyment, CLICK Here TO WATCH ME EAT TWO BALLS OF WASABI!

As always, thanks for listening with your eyes. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Make You Want to Lick the Icing Off

So I did it again! The bridal show was even better this time around and I'm putting my name on the list so they can  have me at the events each time they do it. The food was a lot fancier and nicer this time around, but the cake was about the same. Even if I didn't get the 100 dollars (which I will hopefully be able to keep this time around), paying ten dollars to get unlimited free samples isn't half bad. What's that? You want to be tempted today? You want to cheat on your diet and eat loads of cake too? Awesome. You can't taste the cake, but here are some more pictures to make you wish you could. Oh yeah, and Five-Hour energy has another lie to sell. See picture above. Maybe the new flavor will better mask the deception.

Definitely more food and better food than before. Glad I went. Sorry you couldn't be with us Missy. Shed a tear for your loss. Click HERE to see the names of each cake and food item.

Feel free to ask any questions. And as usual, thanks for listening with your eyes!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ice That Cake Like Winter in the Arctic

This past weekend I attended my first ever bridal showcase. Didn't even know such a thing existed until Sunday, and I felt like a peacock underwater, but it was actually fun.

Before you go flipping chairs and tables, no I was not there because I'm planning on getting married, and no I was not there because wedding vendors are sooo appealing, but yes I was there to make a little money (money that I lost to VA state car taxes the very next day, but that's a different story). Missy invited me to work the event with her, and all I had to do was stand at a table and tell bride-to-be's and future divorcees to sign in. An easy 100 dollars was the result, but that's not the real icing on the cake. The real icing is...wait for it....all the free cake!

If just thinking about all that free wedding cake doesn't make your mouth water, then here are a few pictures to make your eyes water green (would the image work if you knew envy was the reason for the color?).

If you want to see all of the names of the types of cake, click on the Facebook link and check them out. Comment if you want to know how the different ones tasted.

Had so much fun eating all that cake I'm doing it again this weekend. I'll be at the convention center in D.C. Who knows, might see someone I know again (saw an old high-school friend's mom). Rhianna was singing to me, because I want that cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake! Oh I'm about to lick the icing off fo sho.

As always, thanks for listening with your eyes.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Plate Full of Words - Bulgogi and Green Plum

After excessive pressure and cattle prodding, I'll finally start blogging about the food I eat. Didn't want to create a whole new blog, so I'll just insert food installments under this blog and call them Plate Full of Words (Thanks Missy for the title suggestions). Enjoy. If you're curious to hear my opinion on a food I've tried feel free to comment any questions or requests. Also feel free to give some recommendations! 

So I finally tried Bulgogi, or Korean style marinated chicken/beef/pork. I was lucky enough to taste the chicken version. I didn't cook it, and it was a tad bit burnt thanks to the power behind George Foreman, but it was still tasty. Apparently it was supposed to be hot, but my taste buds are still number after completing the Armagedon XXX challenge (click here to view the video). Overall I'd eat it twice, burnt and all.

Also had the priveledge of trying a Green Plum. Very similar to it's purple counterpart, but a bit sweeter in my opinion. Also think it was a bit juicer, and overall more satisfying, cause it was bigger (you know me and how much I like to eat). A definite recommendation.

Well that's it for this edition. Feel free to ask any questions! And as always, thanks for listening with your eyes.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The hunt

You know that moment when everything you've worked for in life culminates into one point? Well that's not where I am but I'm close! That point would be when a novel of mine is picked up by a publisher. But until then, I have this. 

Everyone that knows me knows I live to write another day, and it's always been a dream of mine to attain a creative writing job. My career blood hounds got to sniffing and caught the scent of an amazing opportunity. Rifle in hand, I followed the hounds until I came to the application. Applying and sending in my resume, I thumbed back the hammer. They accepted my resume and put me through to the second round of their application process and I looked through the scope. After passing a though-provoking aptitude and personality test, I acquired the target in my sights. 

Now I'm at the moment of truth. Target locked in my scope. Gun loaded. Finger ready. They asked for writing samples and everything falls on if the writing is strong enough. If they like the samples (and are willing to wait for me to relocate), then I shoot. If they don't, my hand catches a severe case of frost bite and falls off, leaving me wondering what could have been if I had only brought gloves. Pray for a warm day! No frost bite!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Onward and Upward

I tend to only post to here during times of change, and following that trend, here I am again.

If you know me you know I've been living in VA with a buddy from AmeriCorps since January. Welp it's time to move again. Where am I headed? To New York City! Just kidding. Maybe one day, but for now i'm heading back to good ol mom's house. Despite not having any money, I'm not moving home because I can't afford living on my own anymore. Nope, this time it's because of a disagreement with the landlord (Petty right).

So unable to find affordable and respectable VA housing, here I come MD. But wait! Life's not perfect! Not only did I switch all of my information over to VA, but now I have VA tags on my car. Time for the yummy good fun of trying to switch everything back. Of course the real heaps of joy won't get dumped onto my face until tax season swings around again. Since I started the year in MD, my first month or so was for MD taxes. But then I switched to VA, and now I'm going back to MD (Anybody who knows more than nothing about taxes feel free to swoop in for the save). Talk about a headache.

In other news, you may also be aware that I'm a fitness instructor at the moment. As much as I love getting people all sweaty just by speaking, it's time for a change. I'm an English Major and by golly it's time I get back to my major roots. I still don't want a boring job, but I still haven't managed to support myself via my creative writing so it may be what I'll have to get. I'm not making the switch because I'm suffering an ego drain, but Grad School is back in my sights. If I plan to get in, I need people to write letters of recommendation. I can't have a bunch of clients give testimonials about how good of a trainer I am, because that has absolutely everything to do with training, and nothing to do with writing. I need some professional folk to voice if I'm competent in the writing industry.

So here's to the start of another journey. Applying for writing/editing jobs, still pushing to get a book published, and hoping my sister's boyfriend doesn't arrive before I leave.

On your mark, get set, and boom goes the dynamite. Well not yet maybe, but that's what I'll say when something I plan actually falls into place. So until then, light the fuse and squint the eyes in preparation for future boom goes thee dynamite.

As always, thanks for listening with your eyes.