Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Virginiadventures - Choo Choo Yup It's Time to Train

As you may or may not know, I got hired to be the Planet Fitness Fitness Instructor/Trainer not too long ago. The job was rather deceiving at first, and even though my shirt said "trainer", I wasn't actually training inside the gym. From my understanding, and from what managers had told me, I wasn't allowed to "train" members in any way. The classes we offered were general instruction and guidance, but as far as doing a full workout during the class, that was a no-no. But after numerous people asked me about it, and I got a few complaints about how misleading my shirt was, I thought I'd speak with my managers to see if things could change. Apparently there was a slight misunderstanding, and I am allowed to train...kinda.

Essentially, I can now give the members a workout during the classes, whereas before they just did one or two reps to make sure they had down the technique, but they'd have to do everything on their own. I'd show them new things, and they'd do it on their own. But now, I can show the new things, then can workout in front of me and I can ensure they're doing it right, and hopefully they'll have some fun too. Why is this exciting you may ask? Well aside from the fact that it's something more to do...training is fun! Who wants to be a teacher all day...well, maybe teachers do...but I'm no teacher. I'd much rather be doing the hands on classes where I show them, they do it, they sweat, and we go from there. Now I can actually do that.

The managers told me I can't break any of the normal PF rules (no grunting, weight dropping, intimidation, etc) and I can't really record their progress from week to week, but pish posh I'll still have fun. Excited. The manager also whispered that there's talk of possibly starting a pilot program with training that's similar to the Biggest Loser's setup. Since they are our sponsor, that would make sense, but we'll see if it works out or not. Of course, nothing is official (as far as I know) so I'm not going to get my hopes up, but heezy (do people still say that), I'm happy I can train now!

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