Thursday, March 10, 2011

Iowanna do that - Back for the first time

Finally back!! No I'm not back in MD, but I'm back to my home away from home. As I'm sure none of you knew, I went on my first project (mini project really) and got back today. It was busy, it was hard, but in the end it was rewarding.

We left on Tuesday morning and I didn't bring anything but too many clothes. Found out that my cell didn't get any service on most of the project site, and they had wi-fi but of course I left my laptop behind. To make things better, I was feeling some emotional stuff that made me want to talk to my girlfriend, and not being able to do that just made them fester. Had an emotional pimple in my emotional zone and I almost popped it the wrong way, but I stayed strong and held fast. Now that I've completely confused you, I'll move on.

Being on the project with my team was great. We learned how to paint, so now I can paint houses and other assorted objects if you give me paint. We messed up a bunch, but hey paint is one of those things that's easy to fix. While on this project I also noticed that some people are dirty!! My team is great, but the other team had some pretty nasty habits. There was someone that wiped their behind on another members towel, dishes went unwashed, and crumbs invaded the carpet. Luckily everything was sorted out, and seeing these issues led me to appreciate my team that much more. We're awesome!! C3! Got nothing on G-Unit but we still awesome =).

Hopefully this weekend turns out great! I'm going to visit my girlfriend for our one month anniversary. Doesn't seem like it's been that long, and at the same time it feels like we've been together forever!! Glad to have her in my life.

If you didn't hear, I've got some knee issues that are bugging me. I'm on medication for it...and of course the side effect would be stomach bleeding. So now my whole digestive track is going to bleed. I can hardly wait. Keep me in your prayers!!


  1. you sound like you're having an amazing time! keep writing and i'll keep reading =)

  2. Lol yea it's cool...I don't think I'm going to do it again but I'm definitely happy I'm doing it now. =)
