Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Iowanna do that - Blow Me

Well I'm finally about to leave for mississip. If you haven't heard, I'll be doing tornado relief down there. Hopefully things aren't too crazy. Everyone round these parts keeps saying that you have to mentally prepare for disaster and all the implications that disaster brings, but I don't know how I feel. My brain walked away long ago, so I don't think I can mentally prepare for anything more than a sandwich, but it should be interesting to deal with my team while they do. I don't really know what to expect, but I guess that means I should expect the unexpected because thats how that saying goes. Though, when you stop and think about it, it's a pretty dumb saying. If you expect the unexpected then it wouldn't be unexpected...I'm confusing myself too so I'll stop.

I'm leaving my computer up in Iowa (for fear a tornado will reach down and take it from me. This of course means I can't really blog about my experience until I get back...Blown! I guess I'll have to write stuff down the old fashioned way and type it up. My g/f gave me some notepads so I'm set on paper...unless the tornados steal that.

Someone close to God pray for me because the ride down to Mississippi is going to be wickity wack and not because I'm black. Last trip we took we had two fifteen passenger vans...aka we had plenty of room to sit and not be cramped. This time we have one fifteen passenger that has a row of seats taken out (i.e. 11 or 12 seats left) and ten people on the team. Our bags will also be in the car. Needless to say (though, I'm going to say it anyway) we're all going to be blown away (my tornado puns are pretty bad) by how little space we have. The twisted (another) thing about it is that it's hot in the south. This means that since we won't have room to move we won't even be able to cover our noses. Imma stink, they a'gonna stink, we all a'gonna stink and we gon create a vortex (wink) of funk unparralelled (who said I can't spell without spell check?) in this universe.

Well, I'll stop wasting your time and let your eyes have a break. Until I return (if the tornados don't get me too), read the title again and be sad that the title was a tornado reference and not something juicier.

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