Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Iowanna do that - Blown Back

You're probably wondering why I'm blogging again when I said I wouldn't have internet for three weeks, and I don't really have a good answer. We actually left for Mississippi this time around, getting about two hours away from Vinton before they gave us the call to return. Apparently there were more displaced citizens than expected and they didn't have a place for us to stay. So now we're stuck in Iowa until Monday (at least). We still don't know when or if we're going down there so it's back to the waiting game.

On a positive note, we heard word that today was prime circumstances for more tornadoes. It was possible we would have driven right into a few so at least we can avoid that. But now we're just sitting in Iowa doing random things.

An even more positive note (is double ++ possible or do you angle it a bit and call it multiplication?) is that we went grocery shopping. The monster that lives in my tummy will be happy to eat a sandwich out of regular bread and not tortillas. I hope we do go down to Mississippi but if we don't I hope they tell us soon. I still want to go to tiny soda (get it! get it!) so we better still be able to do that. Overall this all makes me want to call my mum or fall through a horse stall thats not too tall while holding a basketball. Too much? Probably, but I'm just saying I'll be waiting to see what happens next.

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