Saturday, June 1, 2013

Bike and Blog - Yank My Chain

I can't believe this Journey is about to begin. I've been itching to do Bike and Build for a little under 2 years now, and it's finally time to quit talking and start peddling. I've done all the pre-trip requirements, and all that's left is the need to raise 110 measly dollars (which I'm sure you'll donate by clicking here).

I was reflecting on the past couple of months and can't believe how far I've come. I started my training struggling to complete an 8-mile ride, and today I finished another 66-or-so-mile ride. When they told me I had to raise 4500 dollars, I can honestly say I thought no one would help me out and I would be donating my own savings in order to go on this trip, but that's not how it happened. You all came through, and it's overwhelming to know that I have your support. My friends, family, and co-workers simply gave me upwards of 4500 just because I asked (and maybe begged). God has truly blessed me with a wonderful support web.

If you've been following my journey at all you know that these past six months have been the hardest of my life. Situation after situation has sucked my bank account dry, but God kept me through it all and blessed me with generous people so that I did not have to give away the money that I did not and do not have. Though these past six months have been the hardest, they have been some of the most rewarding. I won't go too far into how bad life's been, because I haven't really felt it. Life's been crappy but I've been encouraged and haven't thought much about the bad times after they occur. If it isn't a member in the gym buying me a half pint of ice cream because I looked down, it's a coworker making me laugh when all I wanted to do was run away. If it wasn't my sister helping me when I needed her, it was my mother writing me a note telling me to keep my head up when all I could see were my laces. If it wasn't an old friend telling me how they missed me, it was my girlfriend surprising me with a gift I don't deserve. I'm not the best at expressing gratitude, so I won't attempt with some elaborate garnishment, but thank you to everyone who has helped me get to where I am.

In other news, my girlfriend bought me a new phone (lol cause she knew I wouldn't do it) so I can now text again. Feel free to send me a text just in case the number was lost during the sim card switch. I wanted to upload a few pics of food that I have, but they're on my camera and the cord is back at the house (which if you haven't figured it out, I am not). So you'll have to enjoy these lavish pictures from our ride today (pirated) from JoBeth...arrrr)

The guy's book is finished for the most part, my training is finished for the most part, and my fundraising is almost finished. I can finally breathe. I'll wrap up this last week of work, do some exploring in Boston/Providence, then bathe myself in the grease of a summer that boasts to be the most memorable of my life. Welp, that's all I have for this edition, so until next time thanks for listening with your eyes.

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