Thursday, June 27, 2013

Bike and Blog - Sorry For the Wait

It's been way too long since I've blogged, and I apologize to everyone that wanted to follow my cross-country journey but couldn't without me blogging. Good news is that I've been snapping enough pictures to tell my story without words. Bad news is I can't show them to you yet because I can't seem to upload them very well. I'll keep trying and I'll try to keep you posted. Eventually I'll get them to you. The ones I have up will have to do for now.

Can I just pause and say so far the trip is awesome? Well I'm doing it anyway...THIS TRIP IS AWESOME! If you're under 25 it's necessary for you to do Bike and Build before your life ends. You think life's good, but you haven't lived until you've hopped on a bicycle and started riding from one side of the country to the next. I'm no stranger to meeting new characters, but seeing the determination and variety of success in so many people is inspiring. Whether it's watching the smile of a teammate as they conquer a 2-mile-long hill, or playing telestrations (don't ask me if that's spelled right) for an hour and seeing how creative people can be, this trip is giving me a lot.

I started the trip because I like helping people, but so far it's been the people that have been helping me. I already posted about how blown away I was with the willingness of my donors to give, and I'm getting blown away again by how amazing a group of young adults can be. I haven't seen any drama (of course that doesn't mean it won't occur later), but I have seen tons of hard work and I've seen more sweat produced than my previous gym dripped out in a week. All the creativity, happiness, and hard work is overwhelming.

I wish I could go into greater details about the amazing things that are happening on this trip, but it would be a book (might do that one day). I am keeping a journal, and feel free to give me a call if you want to hear about how things are, but so far I don't have regular access to internet or a computer. If my journal interests you, I'll be willing to share it with you at the end, but for now you'll have to settle for my sporadic blog.

If I can post more regularly I'll start to go into more depth about what's actually happening on the trip, but for now I'll just say that things are going swelltacular! We're in Youngstown, Ohio at the moment, but tomorrow we're moving on. Track me online if you haven't already. Go to, click on Providence to Seattle, and follow the route.

Welp, that's all I have for now so thanks for listening with your eyes. Again, I hope I can go into more depth soon, but hope the pictures provide a little window.

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