Thursday, February 24, 2011

Iowanna do that...still...kinda

So today was extremely long and tomorrow will be extremely my sentence structure ay (Joke for all you Canadian bammas). Def had to get up at 6am today, sit through three hours of lecture, eat lunch, go and hour of fitness testing, spend two hours in fitness/nutrition lecture, cook dinner, then play two ultimate Frisby games. All that would be well and good if I didn't have to wake up at 4:45 (am) the next day. And no my game isn't early. it's at 1020 at I won't be asleep before 1115. Not so bad on normal occasions, but when you do as much as I listed, your body tends to oversized-female-dog slap you, if you catch my drift.

Shout out to Joanna my nom nom nommer! Happy birthday to you! Don't do something inapprops in the jk...but for

Yesterday was pretty okay. Just meetings and Ultimate frisby and staying up late. Nada spectacular. Oh wait, I spoke...err...typed too soon (as if backspaces weren't invented yet). There was something spectacular! My team! Cedar three! We demolished our opponits in ultimate frisby! I'm not proud or anything, but I like to think that we wouldn't have made it to 15 without my four scores...just would have been wayyyy lower, like maybe 11 or something not as spectacular. HAHA jus kidding, I don't know math.

Sorry to jump around, but today was kinda specs too. We didn't play the two ultimate frisby tests yet, but we definately did a fitness test. Guess who smashed the record and got the most pushups? Who, me? Yeah I guess you could say it was me. With 87 pushups straight. Can anyone say on the military's wagon? Well if they could they probably wouldn't want to because it sounds dumb. But yeah, I was a bit proud of that number since two or three weeks ago I was at 60 or 70 something, and I def haven't worked out since being in Chicago.

Oh and my b-day is tomorrow...send me something

Enough...for now


  1. Frisbee*

    ps.. Happy early Birthday =)

  2. Ahahaha, thanks for the birthday shout out babe! I'll be good in the club, I promise. Even if Bobby Valentino tries to get fresh, I'll tell him you'll kick his ass! ;)Congrats on dominating in ultimate frisbee again, whoop whoop! And yay for your birthday being tomorrow! I can't wait for you to open the box o' gifts I sent you! =)

  3. Becca: thanks....and don't correct me!! I'll frisby all over your face!!!!

    Mojo Jojo: lol yea I'll plant a foot in his dirty tail and grow a tree of pain!!!
